welcome to dp lighting systems!

We specialise in lighting and stage technology for film and TV studios and other event locations. We advise, plan, design, and perform your project and provide required services for your technical equipment. The project’s size is insignificant since our experience ranges from small news studios with largely manual technology to fully automated solutions in large magazine studios and also the installation of large event and production halls. Our specialty are modern studios with chromatic LED-background lighting and complete equipment with LED luminaries.

Fact No. 1

We build studios

Fact No. 2

We deliver the best products on the market

Fact No. 3

What does not exist, we do ourselves

Hilgestraße 14

D - 55294 Bodenheim


Tel.: +49 (0) 6135 933 16-0

Fax.: +49 (0) 6135 933 16-29

